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How To Transfer A Private Number Plate To A New Car

A personalised number plate can add a bespoke touch to your new ride. Available to buy from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) at fixed prices and auctions, as well as from online brokers and dealers, private number plates are highly popular in the UK. The DVLA alone has sold over six million plates in the 30 years it has been trading them.

If you already have a private number plate that you wish to keep but transfer to a new car, you might be wondering what steps to take. The good news is, the procedure is a lot simpler than you might think and with online and postal options available, you’ve got plenty of choice. The important thing is to do your research and make sure you know the process. This way, you won’t accidentally break the regulations that are in place and end up on the wrong side of the law. This also applies if you have bought a new car reg and doing the transfer yourself.

Transferring a private number plate to a new car

To transfer a private number plate to a new car, the vehicle must be registered in your name. As long as this is the case, you’ll have no trouble transferring your plate to a different car - and you can go through the process online or by post.

If you’re transferring a plate from a vehicle you own to another vehicle, you’ll need to complete a V317 form. This is the case regardless of whether you’re transferring the plate from your current car to another vehicle in your name or you want to register the plate to a car that you’re buying. This is also the procedure if you wish to transfer the number plate to someone else’s vehicle. If the last scenario applies to you, both registered keepers will need to complete the application.

In addition to the V317 form, you’ll need to include the log book for both vehicles. You’ll need to pay a transfer fee of £80 too. Also, if either of the vehicles needs taxing, you should include a completed V10 form, which is an application for vehicle tax, as well as the correct tax payment.

After the DVLA has accepted your application, you’ll be sent replacement V5C for both vehicles. 

What if I don’t want to do it online?

If you don’t really ‘do’ the internet, you can still make an application the old-fashioned way by post, although submitting your paperwork to the DVLA will take significantly longer, so this is something to bear in mind if you need to transfer your private number plate in a hurry. 

All applications, along with supporting documents, must be posted to DVLA Personalised Registrations, which is located in Swansea, SA99 1DS.

After you’ve transferred your personalised plate to the relevant vehicle, you’ll be sent a new V5C registration document through the post. This can take between four to six weeks, but you won’t be waiting more than a month to put your private plates on a new car. As soon as your application is approved, this process is complete.

You can get further information and guidance on transferring private number plates on the DVLA website, as well as details about other issues relating to private number plates and their purchase, sale or transfer. By following the rules set out by the DVLA and completing the relevant paperwork, you can avoid any unnecessary complications.

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