Compare Isuzu insurance costs for all models
Unlike many other Japanese vehicle manufacturers, Isuzu has always concentrated its UK efforts on rugged 4WD and pickups – and as such, you’ll often see its pre-owned vehicles listed for sale without any VAT – aimed at commercial and business buyers. Of course, pickups and 4WD vehicles have a wider appeal than just commercial use, so it’s useful to know a little about Isuzu insurance groups if you plan to purchase one.
If you’re looking at pre-owned vehicles, the Trooper is likely to be one of the cheapest Isuzu to insure – with older vehicles generally available for £5,000 or less. Then again, if you decide on a new Isuzu, you’d be looking at one of the extensive D-Max range – and with engines starting from a modest 1.9-litre diesel with a 160bhp output, you won’t find insurance premiums to be too high. Insurances costs tend to be the same for different body-types too – so you won’t pay more for single, extended, or double cabs.
Of course, the D-Max isn’t your only option – as both the TF and Rodeo are both available preowned too, and, with similar engine options to the D-Max, they won’t cost the Earth when it comes to finding good insurance cover.
Whichever Isuzu you decide upon, you’ll be able to find cover that suits your needs exactly. If you’re looking fully comprehensive cover, you’ll be able to track down policies that fit your requirements. However, if you’re looking for a third party, fire and theft policy – or a cost-effective third party only quote, you’ll be able to help too.
They even have insurers on the panel who can provide telematics boxes for your vehicle. A telematics box will collect anonymous information about your driving habits and rewards careful drivers with lower premiums – ideal if you’re going to be taking it steady in your new Isuzu.

Bespoke cover for any requirement
We know Isuzu make tough vehicles that are more than happy off the road and covered in mud – so if your Isuzu spends more time getting dirty than it does getting cleaned, you can find cover to suit.
Whether you’re looking for fully comprehensive cover, or you’d like to keep your costs down with a third party only or third party, fire and theft policy, the comparison service can help – even if you’re off-roading and taking your Isuzu places that most other cars can’t go.