Get great Bell car insurance prices today
Bell insurance take an innovative and simple approach to black box insurance – and that starts with how your black box will be installed.
Rather than having to visit or book an auto electrician to fit your box – you’ll be able to do it yourself. Installation takes no more than a few seconds, and your box plugs straight into your 12-volt power point (the one that’s normally reserved for phone chargers and cigarette lighters). When it’s plugged in, you’re ready to go.
While many black box insurance policies have mileage and time limitations, Bell has none – so you can drive your car at whatever time suits you – and you won’t be limited to a certain number of miles. If you work or travel at night, this makes Bell perfect for you.
Bell won’t collect your driving data for long either. Rather than keep your black box for your full 12 months of cover, you’ll only be required to keep it for 6. During this time, Bell will be able to tell how safely you drive – and may be able to offer you a discount on your renewal moving forward.
As well as offering discounts, Bell will also give you feedback on your driving skills. You can choose to get regular emails that give you a world of useful hints and tips – helping you to make sure you’ve got a lifetime of safe driving ahead of you.
When the time comes to return your box, just pop it back into its packaging and send it back – it couldn’t be any simpler!

You can still charge your phone!
If you need to regularly charge your phone, the idea of taking up your 12-volt socket might put you off – but don’t worry!
Bell’s Plug and Play insurance box has a built-in USB socket, so you can get affordable insurance and still make sure you’ve got plenty of battery power left for when you reach your destination.